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PWD to Host Rate Plan Workshop

California water agencies have been strained to provide residents with clean, healthy, low cost water with the drought now entering its fourth year. Palmdale, like many other Southern California communities, has older infrastructure which is relied upon to move water throughout the community.

Auditor’s Report of Antelope Valley Water Rates Highlights Fiscal Responsibility

Last week, the California State Auditor’s office released the results of their audit of Antelope Valley Water Rates and the factors contributing to the difference in rates among Valley water agencies. In the report, which compared four different area agencies, Palmdale Water District was shown to have the lowest overall increase in the past, by far, of the four districts between 2011 and 2013.

Urgent Notice of Water Conservation Measures

Due to severe drought conditions, low water supplies, and to be in compliance with the State Water Resources Control Board’s new Emergency Drought Regulations, the Palmdale Water District Board of Directors approved a Resolution on July 23, 2014 enacting strict water conservation measures with the goal of a 20% reduction in water usage for the rest of the year.

Notice of Mandatory Water Restrictions

On July 15, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) issued Mandatory Emergency Water Conservation Regulations that prohibit individuals from engaging in certain water use practices throughout the State of California.

Water News June 2014

In 2013, the Palmdale Water District started a campaign called “Before the First Drop.” We wanted our customers to know and ask questions about the District’s operations; the costs of supplying and distributing water, the costs of treating water, of pumping wells and Boosters stations, equipment costs, and hiring well trained and certified employees.

Water News May 2014

The Palmdale Water District is a State Water Contractor meaning we buy water supplied by the State Water Project (the California Aqueduct). The District is entitled to 21,300 acre-feet of water per year from the State Water Project (SWP); however, the amount of water allocated to the District by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) varies from year to year based on rainfall or drought conditions.

Water News April 2014

Take advantage of Palmdale Water District’s rebates, remember we are still under drought conditions and not letting any water waste occur is the best way of helping. Even with all the rain and snow we have had in the last couple of days, snow packs in the Sierra’s are still below average and the District is still supporting the Governor’s voluntary 20% conservation efforts.

Water News March 2014

The Palmdale Water District is supporting Governor Jerry Brown’s call to action on the State’s drought emergency and is asking for 20% conservation statewide.

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