Palmdale, CA – The iconic Lake Palmdale Wind Turbine, presiding over the entrance to the Antelope Valley, is having a day at the spa. Now 12.5 years old, the landmark is being introduced to the “fountain of youth” and will undergo a much needed therapeutic enhancement. Ball bearings, motors, and the generator are all being… Continue reading Press Release- Back to the Future: Lake Palmdale Wind Turbine gets Rejuvenated
Palmdale, CA- El miércoles el Palmdale Water District pasó una ligera modificación de la tasa de 4.25% en lugar del 5.5% que fue propuesto inicialmente. Este ajuste mínimo aumentará la tarifa del servicio mensual aproximadamente $2.02-$2.50 por cada hogar residencial. El distrito continúa sus esfuerzos para mantener precios bajos y competitivos para sus clientes, al… Continue reading Press Release – Los ajustes de tasa ayudan a garantizar la seguridad del agua para Palmdale
On Wednesday night the Palmdale Water District passed a slight 4.25% rate modification instead of the initially proposed 5.5%. This minimal rate adjustment will increase customers monthly service fee approximately by $2.02-$2.50 per residential household. The District continues its efforts to keep rates competitively low for its customers while expanding its water portfolio to ensure… Continue reading Press Release – Rate Adjustments Help Ensure Water Security for Palmdale
The Palmdale Water District was awarded the Grant Prize in the Water Take 1, Ventura County Water District International Film Contest beating out 48 other entries from around the globe in a contest to bring awareness to the importance of water throughout the world.
Recently the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) passed an update
to the existing emergency water conservation restrictions extending them
through October 31, 2016, affecting all 406 reporting water agencies. The
Statewide average, 25.5% has exceeded the Governor’s mandatory 25%
reduction, however, several of the State’s water agencies have fallen below
their individual target. Palmdale Water District has failed to meet the States
requirement by falling 5.9% below the State mandated target of a 32%
Palmdale, CA – While the State Water Resources Control Board continues to force local water agencies to enforce their arbitrary reduction figures, El Niño is knocking on the Antelope Valley’s door. PWD customers used a record low of 80 gallons of water per person per day for the month of November 2015. This accomplishment is markedly lower than other cities throughout the AV and beyond, even though, the District as a whole is only at 26.8% of its mandatory 32% reduction. November saw the District conservation rate fall to 20%.
Palmdale, CA – Watering restrictions for Palmdale residents, businesses, industry, schools, municipal facilities, and any other area where potable water is used for irrigation, can now water with no time constraints on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Palmdale, CA – The “once in a thousand years” rain event last Thursday wreaked havoc upon the cities of Palmdale, Quartz Hill, and various neighborhoods throughout the area. The California Aqueduct system located off 70th St. West received a direct hit of mud and debris from the intense rainfall; ultimately blocking a portion creating a makeshift dam.