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The Pipeline – December 2014

PWD customers were offered information on the new water rate restructure, how to read your water bill, the new Rate Assistance Program and water conservation tips at the PWD’s first annual Holiday Customer Appreciation Day!

Are You Ready for Old Man Winter?

Cold weather is approaching the Antelope Valley. Taking precautionary steps to make sure that your home is ready for the winter chill can help you be prepared for the best shot that this season can give. Here are a few steps that you can take to ensure that your home is suited to handle whatever punch old man winter may have…

Holiday Customer Appreciation Day – Press Release

Come out and visit with Santa and Aqua Dog. Enjoy refreshments, face painting for the kids, and have a picture taken with Santa and me. Palmdale Water District Holiday Customer Appreciation Day is this Saturday, December 20th from 9AM until noon. Come on by and pick up a free water saving device. See you there!… Continue reading Holiday Customer Appreciation Day – Press Release

Palmdale Water District Launches New Website

The recently adopted and published District Strategic Plan provides a blueprint for how to best serve the Palmdale community. Within the five Key Initiatives, exceptional customer service and increased efficiency were guiding principles and motivation behind the creation and recent roll‐out of the new, easy‐to‐use website.

Water District Accepting Rate Assistance Program Applications

Low-income seniors aged 62 and older are getting an opportunity to receive assistance on their water bill. The Palmdale Water District is now accepting applications for qualified households to receive up to 50% off their monthly service fee. Households must have a 5/8” or 3/4” meter, and be enrolled in either the Southern California Edison… Continue reading Water District Accepting Rate Assistance Program Applications

September 2014 Board Meeting Actions

PALMDALE, CA, September 30, 2014 – The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with five Directors present, considered the following matters at the SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Consent calendar items were unanimously approved as follows: minutes of regular meeting held August 27, 2014; payment of bills for September 10, 2014; Recruitment… Continue reading September 2014 Board Meeting Actions

Water Board Approves District Rate Restructure

PALMDALE, CA – The Palmdale Water District, by a 3-2 vote, approved a District-wide rate restructure that will standardize meter charges for all customer classes. A recent rate study conducted by Bartle Wells Associates, a third party independent consultant, concluded that a rate restructure will provide the funds necessary to recover the costs of operation,… Continue reading Water Board Approves District Rate Restructure

August 2014 Board Meeting Actions

PALMDALE, CA, September 2, 2014 – The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with five Directors present, considered the following matters at the AUGUST 13, 2014 REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Consent calendar items were unanimously approved as follows: minutes of regular meeting held July 23, 2014; payment of bills for August 13, 2014; Professional… Continue reading August 2014 Board Meeting Actions

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