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Water News July 2012

The Palmdale Water District introduced the “Water Budget-Based Rate Structure” in 2009 and our customers have become pros on using water more efficiently. In April of 2012, 83 percent of our customers are staying within tier one of their water budget allocation and are receiving the lowest possible rates.

Water News May 2012

The sustainability of California’s economy depends upon a reliable source of water. The Sacramento_San Joaquin River Delta (Delta) is the hub of our state’s water delivery system and home to one of California’s most important ecosystems. Twenty_five million Californians —nearly two_thirds of the state’s population — and millions of acres of farmland rely on water that passes through the Delta. The survival of many endangered species depends on the habitat of the Delta.

Water News April 2012

In order to take advantage of the best Southern California Edison rates available for PWD’s booster stations and well sites the District meets regularly with its SCE representative. These meetings provide the District with the ability to keep up to date with current rates, or when necessary, change to new lower rates to keep costs down.

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