The Palmdale Water District is sponsoring a series of three (3) landscape workshops to help customers learn how to renovate their yards into beautiful water wise landscapes.
The Palmdale Water District is sponsoring a series of three (3) landscape workshops to help customers learn how to renovate their yards into beautiful water wise landscapes.
Last night three local Palmdale Water District customers were presented with rebate checks and certificates of appreciation from Palmdale Water District for converting their yards into water wise landscapes through the District’s “Cash for Grass” program.
PWD has been sponsoring a “Cash for Grass” program for customers within the Palmdale Water District service area for two years.
The Palmdale Water District has an important notice for its customers…The Palmdale Water District does accept check payments received by U.S. mail, as long as the original billing statement stub is included with the check payment.
The new website was designed and created with you, the customer, in mind. Easy management of accounts, paying bills, finding service applications, rebate forms, educational projects and programs, and employment opportunities are among the website features available right at your fingertips!
Customers will no longer receive separate late notice billing. In the near future, monthly water bills will state the amount you owe with a “pay by this date” and an amount to be paid after the due date. To prevent additional charges please send your payment in before the due date.
To honor the EPA’s “Fix a Leak Week,” the AV Water Partners are sponsoring a show & tell at the Home Depot, 44226 20th St. West, in Lancaster, Saturday, March 19, at 10:00 am.
The Palmdale Water District’s IT Department Manager, James Stanton, reported that the new web site launched today.
PWD is sponsoring several landscape workshops this year. Everyone interested in renovating their yard into a low maintenance, water wise, beautiful landscape help is on the way.
At the December 22nd Board meeting, Palmdale Water District’s Board of Directors approved the 2011 Budget and reduced the Elevation Booster Surcharge. The Board of Directors were pleased with the cuts taken by staff and approved the 2011 Budget.