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Final Sesión del EIR Sobre el Proyecto de Eliminación del Depósito de Sedimento en la Presa de Littlerock

Palmdale, CA – El 22 de marzo de 2017 a las 7 pm, en la reunión de la Junta de Distrito. La Junta Directiva del Distrito tendrá en cuenta, entre otros temas, la información en el informe de impacto ambiental (EIR) y va a determinar la suficiencia de la documentación ambiental bajo la ley de… Continue reading Final Sesión del EIR Sobre el Proyecto de Eliminación del Depósito de Sedimento en la Presa de Littlerock

Final EIR Certification Hearing for Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project

Palmdale, CA-  On March 22, 2017 at 7 p.m. at the Palmdale Water District Board meeting. The District’s Board of Directors will consider, among other agenda items, the information in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and will determine the sufficiency of the environmental documentation under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Palmdale Water District, as… Continue reading Final EIR Certification Hearing for Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project

PWD Reevaluates Degree of Emergency Drought Regulations

Palmdale, CA- The State Water Resources Control Board extended its existing water conservation mandate that prohibits wasteful practices. On the same note, they recognized the improved water conditions throughout the state but concluded that the significant momentum that was attained by California water users over the last five years should not be abandoned for one… Continue reading PWD Reevaluates Degree of Emergency Drought Regulations

Press Release- Year Five of Drought: Water Conservation is a Way of Life

Palmdale, CA- California has experienced what spectators would describe as the end to a dry-spell. Reports released early Thursday morning by the U.S Drought Monitor, indicate that just over 51% of California remains in a “moderate” to “extreme” drought and no part of the state was noted as being in an “exceptional” drought anymore. Despite… Continue reading Press Release- Year Five of Drought: Water Conservation is a Way of Life

Press Release- Cinco Años de Sequía: Conservación del Agua es una Forma de Vida

Palmdale, CA – California ha experimentado lo que espectadores describirían como el fin de un hechizo seco. Informes publicados el jueves por la mañana por el Monitor de sequía de los Estados Unidos, indican que un 51% de California permanece entre una sequía “moderado” o “extrema” y ninguna parte del estado permanece en una sequía… Continue reading Press Release- Cinco Años de Sequía: Conservación del Agua es una Forma de Vida

Press Release- Back to the Future: Lake Palmdale Wind Turbine gets Rejuvenated

Palmdale, CA – The iconic Lake Palmdale Wind Turbine, presiding over the entrance to the Antelope Valley, is having a day at the spa. Now 12.5 years old, the landmark is being introduced to the “fountain of youth” and will undergo a much needed therapeutic enhancement. Ball bearings, motors, and the generator are all being… Continue reading Press Release- Back to the Future: Lake Palmdale Wind Turbine gets Rejuvenated

Press Release – Los ajustes de tasa ayudan a garantizar la seguridad del agua para Palmdale

Palmdale, CA- El miércoles el Palmdale Water District pasó una ligera modificación de la tasa de 4.25% en lugar del 5.5% que fue propuesto inicialmente. Este ajuste mínimo aumentará la tarifa del servicio mensual aproximadamente $2.02-$2.50 por cada hogar residencial. El distrito continúa sus esfuerzos para mantener precios bajos y competitivos para sus clientes, al… Continue reading Press Release – Los ajustes de tasa ayudan a garantizar la seguridad del agua para Palmdale

Press Release – Rate Adjustments Help Ensure Water Security for Palmdale

On Wednesday night the Palmdale Water District passed a slight 4.25% rate modification instead of the initially proposed 5.5%. This minimal rate adjustment will increase customers monthly service fee approximately by $2.02-$2.50 per residential household. The District continues its efforts to keep rates competitively low for its customers while expanding its water portfolio to ensure… Continue reading Press Release – Rate Adjustments Help Ensure Water Security for Palmdale