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Palmdale Water District Redistricting Process Frequently Asked Questions

Every ten years, local governments use new census data to redraw their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. Federal and state law requires Special Districts to engage communities in the redistricting process by holding public hearings and/or workshops and doing public outreach, including to non- English-speaking communities.

Social Media Policy

SOCIAL MEDIA TERMS OF USE GUIDELINES PURPOSE These terms establish guidelines on the use of the official social media pages (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) of the Palmdale Water District (“PWD”). If you have a water emergency or need immediate assistance, please do not report it on the PWD’s official social media pages. To report… Continue reading Social Media Policy

PWD to Host Rate Plan Workshop

California water agencies have been strained to provide residents with clean, healthy, low cost water with the drought now entering its fourth year. Palmdale, like many other Southern California communities, has older infrastructure which is relied upon to move water throughout the community.

September 2014 Board Meeting Actions

PALMDALE, CA, September 30, 2014 – The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with five Directors present, considered the following matters at the SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Consent calendar items were unanimously approved as follows: minutes of regular meeting held August 27, 2014; payment of bills for September 10, 2014; Recruitment… Continue reading September 2014 Board Meeting Actions

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